State of Pakistan Launches Operation ‘Azm-e-Istehkam’ Curbing Terrorism in Pakistan

State of Pakistan Launches Operation 'Azm-e-Istehkam' Curbing Terrorism in Pakistan

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif chaired a meeting on the weekend. The high-profile meeting announced the commencement of the ‘Azm-e-Istehkam’ operation after reviewing safety issues in Pakitan.

Azm-e-Istehkam is a continuation of the National Action Plan, a counterterrorism operation launched after APS attack of 2014.

Aftermaths of the APS Attack

Tehrik Taliban Pakistan (TTP) attacked APS in 2014. 141 people massacred including 132 children. All the politics ceased to exist. Imran ended his long “Dharna” and all the stakeholders joined forces.

State announced Operation Zarb-e-Azab. Aimed at completely cleansing Pakitan of militant groups, primarily aimed at TTP, especially KP. With the clean sweep in KP, all the proxies also ceased to exist. Karachi is a prime example.

An operation of such a kind was a necessity for Pakistan, Pakistan saw CPEC’s initiation in 2013. Providing safety for stakeholders was a necessity.

Also Read: Operation Zarb-E-Azb Latest Exclusive Footage BY ISPR – 3rd Sep 2014

Back to 2024

It has been 9 and a half years since the APS attack and a lot has changed:

Nawaz Sharif was disqualified. Imran Khan became Prime Minister, and Afghanistan’s government changed. There have been terrorist attacks on civilians in KP and Baluchistan, recently. Targets include Chinese personals and installation.

Also Read: Painful Memory: Nation Remembers The Martyrs Of APS Attack On Its 7th Anniversary

Pakistan’s Prime Minister recently visited China along with the army chief. Safety and security of Chinese personnel working in Pakistan was the primary concern. A Chinese delegation also visited Pakistan after the primer’s visit.

Pakistan and China both are concerned with security issues, A third party stands along – Arghanistan’s Taliban government. Tehrek Taliban Afghanistan stands ideologically parallel to TTP.

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