Karachi to Face an Intense Heat Wave for the Next 2 Days

Karachi to Face an Intense Heat Wave for the Next 2 Days

The intensity of the heat in Karachi is constantly rising. Expected temperature is 40 degrees C. With high humidity, the feel-like temperature may rise to 45 degrees C.

Karachi’s heat wave is causing extreme heat waves causing discomfort for the locals. As of Monday morning temperature recorded was 31 degrees, with a minimum of 29 recorded overnight. Humidity ratio stands at 78% intensifying the heat.

Though wind is blowing at 15 km/h, and is expected to go 20 throughout the day. Absence of the sea breeze, however, makes no difference for the citizens.

There is no chance of rainfall in the city. Temperature in the city will change between 40 to 42 degrees, furthermore, due to humidity the feels-like temperature will be 45 degrees.

Also Read: HOT ALERT! Met Dept Predicts Heatwave In Karachi From Today

PDMA’s chief Sardar Sarfraz points out that conditions will remain consistent for 2 days. The humidity will vary from 55% to 60%, intensifying heat.

Sardar Sarfraz said that July’s first week will see rainfall. Sarfraz said “More than normal rains are expected in some districts of Sindh, including Karachi.”

With the intense heat expert have warned of possible heat stroke and warned citizen to remain inside.

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