Chinese Company Starpery to Launch AI-Powered Love Dolls in the Market

Chinese Company Starpery to Launch AI-Powered Love Dolls in the Market

Chinese company Starpery Technology is developing AI-powered love dolls. The company aims to make robots talk and interact physically, aiming for a more lifelike experience. However, it has raised ethical and technological concerns.

Starpery is a Beijing-based company producing sex dolls. However, with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the company seeks to integrate sex dolls with AI. Moreover, the company aims to provide intricate features such as touch sensors and talk-back, enhancing user experience.

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Evan Lee CEO of Starpery looks forward to this development. “We’re developing a next-generation sex doll that can talk and interact physically with users. Our prototypes should be ready by August this year,” Evan Lee added.

New AI-sex dolls will have advanced sensors that aid in moving and talking. Unlike the traditional sex dolls will simple mechanism – allowing for basic movement.

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Starpery’s prototype will be ready by August, this year. There are major ethical and technological concerns regardless of how much of a breakthrough it is. Technological concerns revolve around battery capacity for a small robot like Starpery’s requires a big boost. Secondly, it is to give precise movability and fluidity.

People are pondering the impact of such a robot on human connectivity. With a robot that can walk, talk, and provide sexual pleasure human intimacy comes into question.

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