Bolivian Army Chief Arrested After Failed Coup Attempt

Bolivian Army Chief Arrested After Failed Coup Attempt

Armed units stood outside the presidential palace in central Plaza Murillo Square in the Bolivian Capital. Arrest of the Army chief soon followed. TV covered General Juan Jose Zuniga’s arrest.

Bolivian Army Chief

President Luis Arce called for local and international support, not letting democracy die. The protest started and the armed forces soon disassembled.

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Arrest and disposal of Zuniga took effect, amidst the failed attempt. Arce took it to social media, “We denounce the irregular mobilizations of some units of the Bolivian Army. Democracy must be respected,” moreover he stated “The Bolivian people are summoned today. We need the Bolivian people to organize and mobilize against the coup d’état in favor of democracy.”

Meanwhile, international bodies are monitoring Bolivia. UN is demanding to uphold democracy and the constitution. US eyes Bolivia in this situation.

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