Abraham Lincoln’s Wax Statue in Washington DC Melts Down Due to Heat Wave

Abraham Lincoln's Wax Statue in Washington DC Melts Down Due to Heat Wave

Heatwave proved fatal for the wax statue of the 16th American President. It’s funny for a man who kept his calm during the American Civil War. American President Abraham Lincoln’s wax statue couldn’t stand the heatwave melting away.

First the head then his leg. His leg melted until becoming a blob of wax. A wire leans out from the neck meanwhile, the head is to be reinstalled later this week.

The statue stands on the site of Camp Barker, Washington DC. Previously a refugee camp during the Civil War era. Camp housed formally enslaved and free African Americans. The site now houses an American Elementary school.

The 6ft wax structure has not melted for the first time and on several occasions in the past. Set in the September last yaser by Virginian artist Sandy Williams IV. Moreover, the statue housed 100 wicks, making it a candle, narrowed done to a few in February’s reinstallment.

The installment reads “Please blow out your wick within 1-2 minutes.”. Further, it is the third installation of the monument celebrating the American Civil War. Commission by the non-profit CulturalDC.

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